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Concrete pavements are designed to withstand heavy loadings and be extremely durable. These pavements tend to take 30-50 years to fail, but often have other problems associated with them which if not maintained will lead to replacement earlier than desired. Failures are typically related to cracking, faulting (where the slabs become uneven), spalling (where the surface slowly flakes away) and joint failures.
Curbs, gutters and flowlines
Curb and gutter is a common item on parking lots to provide edge support and convey water on the edges to the ponds or storm drains. Many clients are not aware that concrete flowlines (basically just the gutter) within the asphalt is an excellent tool for repairing damaged seams that convey or hold large quantities of water. Flowlines are capable of being poured at as little as 0.25% compared to asphalt which requires a 1% minimum. This can make repairing standing water or poor drainage pavement a really simple process compared to replacing a much larger section of asphalt.
Sidewalks, Dolly Pads and
Loading Docks
When slabs crack and eventually fail we divide the maintenance into two categories: conventional removal/replacement and surface treatments.
Sidewalks, Dolly Pads and
Loading Docks
When slabs crack and eventually fail we divide the maintenance into two categories: conventional removal/replacement and surface treatments.
PLM is continuously looking for new team members to strengthen our company regardless of experience.
Waukesha 262-691-3964
Racine/Kenosha 262-654-1214
Madison 608-251-3565
Milwaukee 262-691-3964
Duplainville Road
Pewaukee, WI 53072
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